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Risk Management Technologies
Data Interfaces
Developed by ZGi
© 2014 The Zoldak Group, Inc.   
ZGi has developed the following specific, reliable interfaces for various modules of the Risk Management Suite and other interfaces requested by our clients. Below is a summary of some of the interfaces currently developed.  Human Capital:  Updates selected reference data to the RMS from an enterprise human capital system such as names, demographics, job assignments, organization codes, etc. These data are required for documenting injuries and illnesses and for workers’ compensation claim management (client-specific). Payroll:  Maintains summary or detail payroll data by organization, location, and worker type.  These data are used to calculate various injury and claim rates (e.g., OSHA DART, OWCP Total Case and Lost Work Day Rates).  When the Incident Analysis Module (injures/illnesses) is used with the Compensation Module, it is possible to calculate DART and non-recordable rates (client-specific). OWCP Electronic Data Interface (EDI):  Secure, bi-directional interface used to send claims generated by the ZGi Claim Wizard to the Department of Labor’s Office of Workers’ Compensation Programs (OWCP).  This interface provides data quality checking, generates notifications (via the Notification Module), responds to OWCP error conditions, and updates claim numbers when they are assigned.  This interface has been used to successfully transmit thousands of claim records to OWCP. OWCP National Case Management File (NCMF):  Updates and maintains a history of all claim status data in the Compensation Management Module including: : adjudication, claim status, return to work status, rehabilitation status, reported conditions, etc. It translates ICD9 codes and maintains a history of reported conditions and procedures for claim analysis and accountability.  This and other OWCP interfaces have successfully received millions of transactions from OWCP. OWCP Automated Compensation System (ACPS):  Updates all wage loss transactions and associates them with the claim record in the RMS Compensation Management Module.  Example data include:  payee, check amount, date, roll type, gross, deductions, etc. OWCP Bill Payer System (BPS):  Updates all medical cost transactions and associates them with the claim record in the RMS Compensation Management Module.  Example data include:  payee, date, amount, hospital, physician, treatment code, procedure code (translated), pharmacy code (NDC translated), etc. OWCP ChargeBack:  Updates ChargeBack data for analysis, claim accountability, and planning. OASAM SHIMS:  Allows agencies that use the DOL Safety and Health Information Management System for injury/illness reporting to initiate records in the Incident Analysis Module.  When an incident record is created as a result of a SHIMS transaction, notifications are sent to designated investigators to review the incident and complete the documentation in the agency Incident Analysis Module. FMA to/from Work Order System:  ZGi is currently integrating the Facility Management Assistant with a work order system for one of our clients.  It will convert finding data into work requests for translation into work order, and provide status and cost feedback directly to the FMA. ZGi has extensive experience in developing efficient scientific instrument and computer system interfaces which reduce time for acquiring data, reduce errors in transcribing data, provide consistency through post-processing, and reformatting it for specific analyses, quality assurance, etc.  Some of these include: - Spirometer to Medical Record (national laboratories) - Urinalysis to Medical Record (national laboratories) - Audiometer to Medical Record (national laboratories) - Other medical testing devices to Medical Record (national laboratories) - Respirator Fit Test to Medical Record - Environmental Monitoring to HPLC / GC-Mass Spectrophotometer for assay set up - High-performance liquid chromatography/ Mass Spectrophotometer to air concentration to employee exposure database
Human Capital Payroll OWCP EDI NCMF ACPS BPS ChargeBack SHIMS Work Order / CAFM Medical Scientific Instrumentation