Enterprise Data
Visualization &
Risk Management Technologies
Developed by ZGi
© 2014 The Zoldak Group, Inc.
Enterprise Data
Visualization &
The Zoldak Group
The ZGi Risk Management Suite, Incident Analysis Module (IAM) is proven,
integrated risk-based software and methodology used for investigating and
addressing any incident affecting mission, personnel, infrastructure, and
property. This results in establishing a collaborative risk-management system,
leveraging existing data, consistent systematic investigation targeted at reducing
the probability and severity of future impacts. It supports the investigation of
relationship of different types of incidents and thereby supports an All Hazard
All Risks Addressed Collectively and Collaboratively: The IAM designed to be
used by occupational safety and health, environmental, fire protection, security,
critical infrastructure, force protection, explosives safety, and other risk
management disciplines.
The IAM is used to reduce the likelihood and/or severity of incident recurrence and as a repository of
lessons learned for training and planning.
The IAM and associated methodology provide a single, risk-based tool that leverage, support and
integrate risk management functions collaboratively over various organizations. This results in cost
savings, efficiency though data leveraging, increased accountability, better decision support.
Integrated Incident Analysis / Claim Management Workflow showing optional claim management
Electronic Claim Submission: This process is initiated in either of 3 ways following an incident
involving injuries or illnesses: a) An employee elects to file a claim for workers compensation: b)
An occupational safety and health (OSH) professional initiates an investigation of an injury or
illness, near miss, or hazard notice in the work place; c) A claim has been submitted to the
Department of Labor’s Office of Workers’ Compensation Programs (OWCP) and a claim and
incident record are created electronically. This assures that virtually every injury or illness is
investigated and addressed by OSH and Compensation professionals.
When an employee files a claim via the RMS Claim Web Module or in paper form a record is
created in the Claim Management Module. Information is automatically populated and
validated via the Human Resource Module to reduce time and improve efficiency.
When Parts A and B of the claim form are completed, it is reviewed in the Claim Wizard.
Automatic checks for completeness and accuracy including ZIP code matching are performed.
Then he claim is submitted electronically to the Department of Labor’s Office of Workers’
Compensation Programs (OWCP). The locally-Initiated claim record is now established and ready
to receive electronic status updates from OWCP.
Notification: Following claim initiation electronic notifications sent to the employee and
designated occupational safety and health (OSH), human capitol, workers’ compensation
professionals (WCPs) , and management professionals. Then OSH professionals begin
investigation and recordability assessment as soon as possible. This ensures the timeliness of
addressing of injuries and illness and determining risk reduction strategies.
Incident Description: A safety and health investigation of the incident is initiated and description
information is updated as the incident record evolves. Transactions on new and edited data are
Witness: Witness accounts are shared and cross-validated between OSH and WCP.
Persons Involved: Records for one or more individuals involved in the incident are maintained.
For each, OSHA recordability is automatically determined by a wizard. One or more injuries are
coded by another wizard using any coding standard (e.g., OICCS, OWCP, etc.). Lost, restricted,
transferred work day tracking begins. Additional information about medical treatment, controls
in place at the time of the incident are maintained as the investigation proceeds. All information
for the OSHA 300 and other required reports is automatically maintained.
Electronic OWCP Updates: Regular updates are received from OWCP containing claim status,
adjudication status, medical charges, wage compensation, etc. This information is updated as
transactions to the claim record initiated in Step 1. This allows the agency to not only know the
current status, but have a reliable, current, and accurate database trending, reporting, and
decision support via various RMS analytical tools. This process support the POWER initiative.
Claim Management: Major goals of claim management is to: 1) Ensure that employees claims
are submitted timely and that they receive appropriate compensation as proscribed in FECA, and
2) Return the employee to work if possible in an expeditious manner. A range of tools assist and
coordinate WCPs in the management of each case saving time and reducing errors. These tools
include: Controversion and Challenge Management, Leave Tracking, Compensation Tracking,
Third Party Actions and Settlements, and Privacy Disclosures. Limited Duty is managed from
request, documenting medical limitations, generating a job offer, developing a work schedule,
and determining suitability.
Property: An analysis of property damaged or impacted by the incident is documented. This
segment is also used for incidents not involving injuries and illnesses.
Media: A range of media including digital photos, videos, audio recordings, documents, and
more are maintained in this record segment. General investigation media is restricted claim
media to preserve privacy.
Root Cause Analysis: Factor causality is documented via a structured root cause analysis.
Existing agency factors can be imported into this module and used for consistency with program
Recommendations: General recommendations made by any stakeholder are documented.
Recommendations are reviewed and translated directly to formal corrective actions with the
association between the initial recommendation and one or more corrective actions maintained.
Corrective Actions: One or more operational or infrastructure corrective actions are formulated
by qualified professionals. They are systematically associated with a specific location,
organization, policy / procedure / regulatory reference, prioritized, and an abatement plan is
developed. This information can be transmitted electronically to a work order system or
managed locally in the Incident Analysis or Risk Management Assistant.
Incident Disposition: A combined incident and claim event history is automatically maintained
starting with record creation. This documents a collaborative timeline, promotes quality, and
maintains accountability.
Process Risk
RMS Incident Management Module
Near Misses
Motor Vehicle
Unsafe / Unhealthful
Environmental Events
Weather Events
Property Damage
Counter Terrorism
Critical Infrastructure